The City Vista Precinct is a new collaboration between Melton City Council and the Department of Education. The master plan was jointly developed to create a community based sports and learning precinct focused on providing shared and collocated facilities.
The precinct utilises a shared entry road and provides continuous tree planting where possible. The language of the buildings is consistent while each cluster takes on its own identity. Key themes for the development are connection, good passive design, walkability and large spaces appropriate for a growing community.
The City Vista Sports Precinct encompasses a new sports pavilion, an elite turf pitch designed to National Premier League Standards, a community grass pitch and two synthetic pitches for more frequent use. The precinct is also served by extensive car parking for large community events which can draw people in the hundreds as already evidenced by the success of George Cross FC. The facility is the temporary home for Western United FC who are using the facility until permanent facilities are completed in Wyndham Vale.